online coworking space

Becoming a digital nomad, digital homad, a freelancer, an early-stage start-up founder, or a solopreneur comes with freedom. But it can also be a lonely journey. Stay connected with a ReSocialize Online Coworking Space.

If you want to go far, go together.

A ReSocialize nomad online coworking space is an online 3d office shared with others from outside your organization. 

You stay connected with your core team of other like-minded professionals. Regardless of how you or they happen to travel – you’re always just a desk away.

fight isolation

Stay connected with other professionals, regardless of where in the world they or you are connecting from. Your core team stays the same.


You’re specialized. You know your niche better than most – but what happens if a client wants something outside of your area of expertise? Bring in your desk buddy from the online coworking space!

grow together

Grow your business and reach by sharing business with the nomads sharing your online coworking space. This expands your value proposition, and gives your client a better experience = more business.

Why use an online coworking space?

Life as a digital nomad can be professionally isolating. 

Networking through events and social media only gets you so far. Connect with a group of like-minded professionals to offer your clients more value, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and to keep learning from your peers.

This is how a ReSocialize Nomad Online Coworking Space solves common issues for solopreneurs, freelancers, digital nomads, digital homads, and start-up founders.

A sunset as seen from the ReSocialize metaverse meeting platform and online co-working space A perfect digital nomad tool for virtual networking, online meetings, virtual co-working, and extended value creation
Working from outside work hubs is isolating

If you’re working from the road or outside a major business hub, work can be isolating. There aren’t many meetups happening, there might not even be any other professionals working in a similar environment. 

At its worst, this leads to you losing your connection with your industry and market. 

Don’t let that happen!

ReScoialize Metaverse Meeting Platform, virtual event space, and online office with three avatars greeting guests, waving towards the viewer Plans and pricing, this image highlights the ReSocialize Free offering. Virtual event free trial.
stay connected with a core team

By joining an online coworking space, you ensure that you’ll stay connected with professionals from similar industries and/or markets. 

ReSocialize Nomad won’t replace after-work drinks or networking events, but it will help you build long-term connections with peers.

Digital Nomad in a nomad online coworking space. A single woman avatar in the foreground, with another digital nomad seated in the background.
As a nomad I don’t learn from peers

The best way to learn is to show others. The second best way is to have someone show you.

If you’re a freelancer there’s a chance you miss out on these opportunities in your day-to-day. 

Corporate event held at the nowhere office
Work close to your peers, daily

Join an online coworking space and work shoulder to shoulder with your peers, daily. Learn from what’s going on in their business and inspire them with what you’re doing in yours. 

An image of the back of an avatar facing the entrance to the ReSocialize Online Event Room
i want to offer my clients more

“I know you’re great at doing X, but I’d also need someone to do Y. Can you help me with that?”

It can be tempting to accept to a client who’s asking for something outside of your niche. On one hand, you want to solve a problem. On the other, you don’t want to set the wrong expectations.

What do you do?

Image of Walters Hub. a ReSocialize Online Office or online co-working space. It's a bright and inspiring 3d image of an office floor, with desks and computers for screensharing. In the foreground, ReSocialize CEO Emelie waves welecoming to the camera. In the background. a group of avatars have gathered around a presentation on a wall screen. The walls are full with floor-to-ceiling windows, showing an urban cityscape outside and filling the inspiring 3d environment with light.
extend your professional offering

“I know someone for that!”

You don’t need to know everything yourself. If you’ve worked side-by-side with an expert in Y for a number of months, you’ll be confident to recommend them to your client. You’re able to solve your clients problem without overextending your promise.

Or maybe someone in your online coworking space recommends you?

Regularly working with a core team of freelancers helps you build the trust and relationships you need to learn, grow, and build with each other. There’s no exception to working side by side.

Don’t let your geography isolate you. 

try the online coworking space

Globally connected
natural conversations
cloud based
core team

what it’s all about

What is an online coworking space?

A ReSocialize Nomad Online Coworking Space is a shared 3d online office. It’s a 3d room that you connect to through your browser on your computer, and it connects you with a core group of other freelancers, solopreneurs, digital nomads, digital homads, and early-stage start-up founders. 

It’s a place for work and networking. It’s a place to stay connected, to learn, to grow, and to share. 

When is it right for you?

ReSocialize Nomad is for individual freelancers or small early-stage start-up teams who want to stay connected with peers who’s skill sets complement their own. 

It’s for people looking to build long-term professional relationships with others from outside their organization.

When isn’t it?

ReSocialize Nomad is not for distributed teams looking to hold internal meetings or work across multiple locations. Remember, there will constantly be people from outside your organization present in the office.

If you’re looking for an online office for yourself, check out ReSocialize For Teams!

Q&A for nomads

How do I join?

Sign up for the waitlist with the link at the bottom of this page. We’ll reach out whe the online coworking space is ready!

Why is there a waitlist?

There’s no value in an empty online network. We want to make sure that everyone gets value from day 1, meaning we won’t create a new nomad online coworking space until there are enough people interested. 

Joining the waitlist makes sure you’re an early bird when the space is created!

What if I change location?

No issue. That’s the point! You’ll stay connected with the same core team of people regardless of where you or they connect from. This allows you all to build relationships, to really get to know and trust each other while working side by side.

What does the nomad online coworking space cost?

€16 per month. Or you can sign up to a full year at a 10% discount.

Am I commited to buying if i join the waitlist?

No. Joining the waitlist simply means that we will contact you when we’re ready to set up the next Online Coworking Space

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Reach out. We’re happy to talk!

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